Our Story

I spent my early summers at my Grandparents’ farms and apple orchards in the Okanagan Valley in the State of Washington. Every summer, my responsibilities grew in the orchards, from changing the water lines to thinning apples and, finally, harvesting. It was a different time then when families were expected to participate in the operation to ensure a successful harvest. It’s been 45 years since I left the farm, but it never left me.
In early 1972, my family moved to the Almaden Valley; we could see the Almaden Vineyards on Blossom Hill Road from our house. Each day I would take a shortcut through the vineyards on my way to school, watching the vines do their magic. This early exposure to the wine culture has had the same impact on me as my earlier experience in the apple orchards. I watched as the orchards and vineyards gave way to homes and shopping centers. It was disappointing to me to lose the farms and orchards. Napa has given it all back to me; I’m home.
Noël’s early life was spent in Colorado, where she spent time with her brothers enjoying all the Rockies make available. Being exposed to such a stunning wilderness had its impact on Noël. Being free to roam has been her way; she has raised our children to be the same, free spirits.
A couple of years ago, I left a thirty-year career in the corporate world. Noël and I needed the change to become “simple” again. We want our children and grandchildren to have the opportunity to experience the life we did growing up together, and to strive for the dream of a family-owned and operated label that provides the love and care to make fine wines. We are Troika Wines.
- Noël and Jeff Riggs